David Brooks
Four weeks ago a wind
straight from Siberia
scraped through the square
snapping the leaves off plane trees,
hiding the village
behind closed shutters, curtained doors.
Now, the weather milder, nearing Christmas,
small boys are kicking footballs
in the Place Jeu de Ballon
while their fathers
trim vines beyond Tressan
or play petanque behind the Mairie
and Madam Sabatier's idiot brother Robert
sits on his bench
with his one yellow glove
shooting imaginary pigeons from the air.
from The Vision of St Eustace,
a young brown dog, too
callow for the hunt
runs down the Impasse des Cigales
with a stolen croissant.
A few granates
still cling to the winter bushes; the path
to Le Puget
is strewn with fallen almonds.
In the field by the highway
the pheasants
have nested over the ancient ice-house.
After the thunder
of the Mirage chasseur
a slender glider
drifts soundless through the light-grey sky.
In the White House, half
a century away,
the President wipes his prick,
declares another war against Iraq;
on the tarmac, intelligent missiles sit
in cold and steely silence, unable to think
of what they are about to do.
Jenni Nixon
Ubaka is beating her drum
in a small Lilyfield community hall
in my memory grown there
seeded from song
Ubaka is singing the world awake
she is healing the earth cleansing the waters
Ubaka is chanting
we won’t fight your war / we won’t fight your war
Calling Peace Calling Peace
Ubaka is beating her beloved drum
magic thrums the air
as women dance shake their booty
bums and bellies undulate
women stomp their feet
bang the beat on drums
we are shouting
we won’t fight your war / we won’t fight your war
Calling Peace Calling Peace
just don’t talk to me of war:
crusades against the Infidel
formidable foes reaping the whirlwind
Satan and the Axis of Evil student of Stalin
homicidal dictator addicted to weapons of mass destruction
the smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud
I’m suffering battle fatigue
bludgeoned by speech writers
who never learn their history
don’t tell me:
those towel-heads should pack up their carpets and go back home to the desert
queue jumpers are illegal refugees and you gotta draw the line somewhere don’t ‘cha
‘Voice of God’ voice-over tells me: warfare isn’t natural
Pyramids of Caral - ‘Mother City of Civilisation’
in Peru trading with neighbours
prospers in peace for a thousand years
the desert blooms irrigated for cotton
no fortifications no weapons of battle